123cheese production

Vote for us! ESDlife bridal award 2016

好開心呢!123cheese Production 首次入選新婚生活易新人至愛婚禮攝影及婚禮錄影8強! 能夠同眾多出色的婚攝公司一齊獲得提名實在難能可貴,沒有奢望能得到什麼奬項,只想多謝這些年來不離不棄的夥伴,和一直支持我們的客人,沒有你們我們行唔到今日!
請支持我們! 請投 123cheese production 1 票!截止日期為8月29日.

投票網頁- http://wedding.esdlife.com/bridal-award-2016/vote
32.新人至愛婚禮攝影及錄影 - 123cheese Production



Cat + Roy

Cat and Roy's wedding ceremony was romantic and sentimental. It is not a grand wedding, but a ceremony decorated with blue sky, green grass, soft wind, and all of the people that are precious to Cat and Roy. The leafs were dancing, like a violin for the wind to play. We were drowned in this place, we almost forgot we were shooting in HK.